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Saturday, June 18, 2011

The Interim

Hey guys, I just wanted to stop in and let everyone know I haven't gone anywhere, and fresh content is just around the corner. Work has picked up for me, and it's making finding time to write, and more importantly, edit, more difficult. I'm putting the finishing touches on a couple of articles, and as sometimes happens, I've come across something I'd like to share, but just don't have the room to cram it in. I won't get into how it came up, the next legitimate article should make it obvious, for now, I'll just leave you with a pair of images - say hello to Shockwave...

Here we see classic Shockwave. Oddly enough, unlike most Transformers, Shockwave was bereft of any legitimate face, lending him a particularly Crisis Suit-like appearance. It helps that he's also a large humanoid robot, but I'd like to think there's a little bit of Shockwave in all of our heavily armed war-machines.

Here we see Shockwave as he appears in the video game War for Cybertron. A good game that came and went more quickly than a good game ought too. But wait... that weapon seems oddly familiar...

And Just for comparisons sake!


Unknown said...

well that decides it. When I can get my hands on a commander battlesuit, he's going purple!

Jacob said...

Ha! That's pretty cool actually. I would love to see a Shockwave themed commander.

Now the Tau need a suit that can launch little robotic cassette tapes.

Pillar said...

Haha, I'd love to see Tau-like Laserbeaks and Ravages running about. He could be like an inquisitor, and his mob is made up of the various robots he wants. First they can crack the shell, then they can crack the nuts inside!